Trust in the Lord and Lean Not
Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- What does it mean to "lean not unto thine own understanding"?
- How can we cultivate trust in the Savior in our daily lives?
- What are the three foundational principles Sister Cordon suggests for increasing our trust in the Lord?
- How does service help us to trust in the Lord according to Sister Cordon's talk?
Understanding the Warning to Lean Not
Sister Cordon explains the warning in Proverbs 3:5-6 to "lean not unto thine own understanding." She describes how leaning physically or spiritually can cause imbalance and lead us away from Christ. She emphasizes the importance of staying centered and focused on the Savior to avoid spiritual pitfalls.
The visual image gives us much to ponder. The warning comes in the words "lean not"—"lean not unto thine own understanding.
When we spiritually lean to our own understanding, we lean away from our Savior. If we lean, we are not centered; we are not balanced; we are not focused on Christ.
- What does it mean to "lean not unto thine own understanding"?
- How can leaning on our own understanding lead us away from Christ?
- In what areas of your life are you tempted to lean on your own understanding?
- How can you stay centered and focused on Christ in your daily decisions?
Feast on the Words of Christ
Sister Cordon emphasizes the importance of feasting on the words of Christ as a way to increase our trust in the Savior. She shares a personal story about her grandson asking for more scriptures, illustrating how the scriptures enlighten our minds, nourish our spirits, and help us center our lives on Christ.
More scriptures enlighten our minds, nourish our spirits, answer our questions, increase our trust in the Lord, and help us center our lives on Him.
- Why is it important to feast on the words of Christ?
- How can studying the scriptures help us trust in the Lord?
- How can you make scripture study a more consistent part of your daily routine?
- What specific passages of scripture have strengthened your trust in the Lord?
Pray with All Energy of Heart
Sister Cordon discusses the power of prayer in helping us come to know and trust the Savior. She recounts a personal experience of her mother's heartfelt prayer for her safety, which brought her peace and courage. She emphasizes that through consistent prayer, our desires will align with the Savior's, and we will secure blessings for ourselves and others.
As we make a habit of approaching Heavenly Father in prayer, we will come to know the Savior. We will come to trust Him.
Our desires will become more like His. We will be able to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that Heavenly Father is ready to give if we will but ask in faith.
- How does prayer help us to trust in the Lord?
- What are the blessings of consistent, heartfelt prayer?
- How can you improve the quality and consistency of your personal prayers?
- What experiences have you had where prayer brought you peace and direction?
Serve Others to Know and Trust the Savior
Sister Cordon shares the story of Amy Wright, who found strength and trust in the Lord through serving others despite her own severe illness. Service brought Amy light, hope, and joy, enabling her to endure her trials. Sister Cordon highlights that serving others helps us to know the Savior and trust in His sustaining power.
Service saved my life. Where I ultimately found my strength to keep moving forward was the happiness I discovered in trying to relieve the suffering of those around me.
When my focus turned to others, there was light, hope, strength, courage, and joy.
- How does serving others help us to trust in the Lord?
- What are the spiritual benefits of focusing on others rather than ourselves?
- What opportunities do you have to serve others in your community?
- How has serving others strengthened your trust in the Savior?
Trust in the Lord and Be Directed by Him
Sister Cordon concludes by affirming that trusting in the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding will allow Him to direct our paths. She underscores that by centering our lives on the Savior through scripture study, prayer, and service, we can demonstrate the same trust we had in the premortal life.
If we trust in our Heavenly Father and in our Savior and lean not to our own understanding, They will direct our paths and will extend the arm of mercy toward us.
We are on earth to demonstrate the same trust in Him that allowed us to stand with Jesus Christ when He declared, "Here am I, send me."
- What does it mean to trust in the Lord with all your heart?
- How can we allow the Lord to direct our paths?
- In what ways can you demonstrate greater trust in the Lord in your current circumstances?
- How can you better recognize and follow the Savior's direction in your life?