Seek Ye Out of the Best Books

Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- What allegory does Elder Ardern use to describe the dangers of spiritual misinformation?
- How does Elder Ardern suggest we can fortify ourselves spiritually?
- What role does the Book of Mormon play in Elder Ardern's message?
- Why is it important to seek learning from "the best books"?
- How can patience and faith help us when we encounter unanswered questions about our beliefs?
Recognize and Avoid Spiritual Dangers
Elder Ardern opens his talk with the allegory of a caterpillar devouring a rosebush, likening it to individuals who undermine our faith. He warns against the dangers of spiritual misinformation and emphasizes the importance of being vigilant in protecting our spiritual roots.
There are some people who are like this caterpillar; they are found throughout the world, and some are so cleverly disguised that we may allow them into our lives, and before we know it, they have eaten away at our spiritual roots.
A failure to protect and deepen our spiritual roots is an invitation to have them gnawed at by those who seek to destroy our faith in Christ and our belief in His restored Church.
- What are some modern-day "caterpillars" that can undermine our faith?
- How can we recognize when our spiritual roots are being compromised?
- Have you ever encountered someone or something that challenged your faith? How did you respond?
- What steps can you take to ensure your spiritual roots are protected?
Fortify Yourself Spiritually
Elder Ardern highlights various ways members can strengthen their spiritual foundations, such as observing the Sabbath, engaging in temple and family history work, and committing to personal and family prayer. He underscores the importance of daily repentance and seeking the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
The increase in Sabbath day observance is but one example of members spiritually fortifying themselves by heeding prophetic invitations.
Our spiritual roots go deeper as sincere personal and family prayer become bastions of our faith and as we repent daily, seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and learn of our Savior and His attributes and strive to become like Him.
- What are some specific actions you can take to fortify yourself spiritually?
- How does observing the Sabbath help in fortifying your spiritual roots?
- Reflect on your current Sabbath day observance. What improvements can you make?
- How has daily repentance and seeking the Holy Ghost strengthened your faith?
Seek Learning from the Best Books
Elder Ardern emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge from reliable sources, particularly the scriptures and writings of inspired Church leaders. He encourages members to study and ponder the Book of Mormon daily, as it is a powerful tool for spiritual conversion and growth.
The best counsel was given by the Apostle James: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God."
President Thomas S. Monson has implored us "to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day."
- Why is it important to seek learning from "the best books"?
- What makes the Book of Mormon a reliable source of spiritual knowledge?
- How can you incorporate daily study of the Book of Mormon into your routine?
- What other "best books" can you include in your study to deepen your understanding of the gospel?
Hold Fast to What You Know
Elder Ardern advises members to hold fast to their faith even when faced with unanswered questions or doubts. He quotes Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, encouraging members to remain steadfast and patient as they seek additional knowledge and understanding.
When those moments come and issues surface, the resolution of which is not immediately forthcoming, hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.
- How can holding fast to what you know help you during times of doubt?
- Why is patience an important aspect of faith?
- Recall a time when you had to hold fast to your faith despite having unanswered questions. What did you learn from that experience?
- How can you cultivate patience in your spiritual journey?
The Power of the Book of Mormon
Elder Ardern shares a story of a fisherman who was converted through reading the Book of Mormon, illustrating its power in bringing individuals to Christ. He emphasizes the importance of personal testimony and the role of the Holy Ghost in confirming the truth of the Book of Mormon.
This man had been converted by the Holy Ghost, who witnessed of the truth of the precious words on every page of events and doctrine taught long ago and preserved for our day in the Book of Mormon.
That same blessing is available to each of us.
- What role does the Book of Mormon play in personal conversion?
- How does the Holy Ghost confirm the truth of the Book of Mormon?
- How has the Book of Mormon strengthened your testimony?
- What experiences have you had where the Holy Ghost confirmed the truth of the Book of Mormon to you?