Answers to Prayer

Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- What is the role of prayer in our relationship with Heavenly Father?
- How does Heavenly Father answer our prayers?
- What lessons can we learn when our prayers are not answered in the way we hope?
- How can we trust in God's timing and wisdom when dealing with unanswered prayers?
- What scriptural examples are given to illustrate God's involvement in our lives?
Understanding Heavenly Father's Perfect Love and Involvement in Our Lives
Elder Hales begins by discussing the perfect love that Heavenly Father has for His children and His active involvement in the details of our lives. This involvement is often seen in the way He answers our prayers and provides divine guidance through the Holy Ghost.
An important and comforting doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that our Heavenly Father has perfect love for His children. Because of that perfect love, He blesses us not only according to our desires and needs but also according to His infinite wisdom.
One aspect of that perfect love is our Heavenly Father’s involvement in the details of our lives, even when we may not be aware of it or understand it.
- What does it mean that Heavenly Father has perfect love for His children?
- How does Heavenly Father's perfect love manifest in our lives?
- How does Heavenly Father involve Himself in the details of our lives?
- How have you experienced Heavenly Father's perfect love in your life?
- Can you recall a time when you felt Heavenly Father's involvement in the details of your life?
- How can you seek Heavenly Father's divine guidance more earnestly in your life?
Recognizing Different Ways Our Prayers Are Answered
Elder Hales discusses three ways our prayers might be answered: immediately or soon after we ask, in unexpected ways that bring greater blessings, or not in this life. He shares personal stories and scriptural examples to illustrate each of these scenarios.
Sometimes that help is given in the very moment or at least soon after we ask for divine help. Sometimes our most earnest and worthy desires are not answered in the way we hope, but we find that God has greater blessings in store. And sometimes our righteous desires are not granted in this life.
- What are the different ways our prayers can be answered?
- Why might some of our prayers not be answered in the way we hope?
- What does it mean that God has greater blessings in store?
- Can you think of a time when your prayer was answered in a way you didn't expect, but resulted in a greater blessing?
- How can you cultivate patience and trust in God's timing when your prayers are not immediately answered?
- How can you maintain faith when your righteous desires are not granted in this life?
Trusting in God's Timing and Wisdom
Elder Hales emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's timing and wisdom when it comes to answering our prayers. He assures us that God is all-knowing and will resolve all of our concerns, injustices, and disappointments in His own way and time.
We have the assurance that in His own way and in His own time, Heavenly Father will bless us and resolve all of our concerns, injustices, and disappointments.
As Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, ‘Faith also includes trust in God’s timing.’
- Why is it important to trust in God's timing and wisdom?
- What does it mean to have faith in God's timing?
- How can we develop trust in God's wisdom?
- How have you seen God's timing work out in your life?
- What experiences have helped you develop trust in God's wisdom?
- How can you strengthen your faith in God's timing and wisdom?
Recognizing God's Hand in Our Lives
Elder Hales encourages us to acknowledge and remember God's hand in our lives. He shares the experience of Sister Patricia Parkinson, who despite her blindness, recognizes and appreciates Heavenly Father's constant presence and support in her life.
I remember His hand being in everything. To those who ask me if I am angry because I am blind, I respond, ‘Who would I be angry with? Heavenly Father is in this with me; I am not alone. He is with me all the time.’
- What does it mean to recognize God's hand in our lives?
- How can we become more aware of God's presence and support in our lives?
- Why is it important to remember God's hand in our lives?
- Can you recall a time when you recognized God's hand in your life?
- How can you cultivate a greater awareness of God's presence and support in your daily life?
- What can you do to remember and acknowledge God's hand in your life?
Maintaining Faith and Hope Despite Life's Challenges
Through the example of Sister Patricia Parkinson, Elder Hales teaches us to maintain faith and hope despite life's challenges. Despite her blindness and other trials, Sister Parkinson remains positive and hopeful, trusting in God's plan for her.
In this case, Pat’s desire to regain her sight will not be granted in this life. But her motto, learned from her father, is ‘This too shall pass.’
I’ve known Pat for many years and recently told her that I admired the fact that she is always positive and happy.
- How can we maintain faith and hope despite life's challenges?
- What can we learn from Sister Patricia Parkinson's attitude and response to her trials?
- Why is it important to remain positive and hopeful despite our circumstances?
- How have you maintained faith and hope during challenging times in your life?
- What can you do to remain positive and hopeful when facing trials?
- How can you better trust in God's plan for you, especially when facing challenges?