What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget
Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- What are the four key lessons President Nelson discusses in his talk?
- How does President Nelson suggest we can grow and learn from adversity?
- What role does the home play in faith and worship according to President Nelson?
- How does President Nelson describe our need for each other and the importance of priesthood quorums?
- What does President Nelson say about hearing the voice of the Lord?
Understanding the Importance of Home as a Center of Faith
President Nelson emphasizes the importance of the home as a holy place of faith and worship, especially during times when gathering in temples and meetinghouses may not be possible. He encourages making the home a sanctuary of faith, a place of serenity and security, and warns that holiness will vanish if there is anything in our behavior or environment that offends the Holy Spirit.
Brethren, you bear the priesthood of God. "The rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven." That power is available to you and your family in your own home as you keep the covenants you have made.
As faith and holiness decrease in this fallen world, your need for holy places will increase. I urge you to continue to make your home a truly holy place "and be not moved" from that essential goal.
- What does it mean to make your home a center of faith and worship?
- How can you increase the holiness of your home?
- How can you make your home a sanctuary of faith?
- What changes can you make in your behavior or environment to increase the holiness of your home?
Recognizing Our Need for Each Other
President Nelson talks about God's desire for us to work together and help each other, highlighting the importance of families, wards, and stakes in this process. He stresses that we can accomplish more together than alone and encourages us to reach out to others, especially those who are alone.
God’s plan of happiness would be frustrated if His children remained isolated one from another.
If you know of anyone who is alone, reach out—even if you feel alone too! You do not need to have a reason or a message or business to transact. Just say hello and show your love.
- Why does God want us to work together and help each other?
- How can serving and ministering to each other show our love for God and our neighbors?
- How can you reach out to someone who might be feeling alone?
- What can you do to strengthen your relationships with your family, ward, or stake members?
Understanding the Purpose of Priesthood Quorums
President Nelson explains that the work of priesthood quorums extends beyond meetings and encourages expanding our vision of what a quorum is meant for. He emphasizes the need for revelation, humility, and commitment in serving and fulfilling the Lord's work.
Meetings are only a small part of what a quorum is meant for and what it can do.
Experience with joy the righteousness you will bring to pass as you are "anxiously engaged in a good cause." Quorums are in a unique position to accelerate the gathering of Israel on both sides of the veil.
- What is the purpose of a priesthood quorum beyond just meetings?
- How can quorums help to accelerate the gathering of Israel?
- How can you expand your vision of what your quorum is meant for?
- What can you do to increase your commitment to your quorum and to the Lord's work?
Learning to Hear Jesus Christ in Stillness
President Nelson discusses the importance of stillness in hearing the voice of the Lord. He warns that commotion in the world will continue to increase and stresses the need for quiet, sacred time to facilitate personal revelation and instill peace.
In order to hear this still voice, you too must be still!
Quiet time is sacred time—time that will facilitate personal revelation and instill peace.
- Why is stillness important in hearing the voice of the Lord?
- How can quiet time facilitate personal revelation and instill peace?
- How can you create more quiet, sacred time in your life?
- What changes can you make to better hear the voice of the Lord?