Make Time for the Lord
Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- What are some distractions in the world that can lead us astray from the covenant path?
- Why is it important to make time for the Lord in our daily lives?
- How does President Nelson suggest we strengthen our spiritual foundation?
- What is the role of temple service and worship in our spiritual growth?
- What impact does focusing on Jesus Christ have on our ability to invite the Spirit?
Recognizing and Countering Worldly Distractions
President Nelson warns of the many voices and pressures of the world that can be deceptive and pull us off the covenant path. He advises us to counter these distractions by making time for the Lord in our lives.
The voices and pressures of the world are engaging and numerous. But too many voices are deceptive, seductive, and can pull us off the covenant path.
If most of the information you get comes from social or other media, your ability to hear the whisperings of the Spirit will be diminished.
- What are some examples of worldly distractions that can lead us astray?
- How can we counter these distractions and make time for the Lord in our lives?
- What steps can you take to limit the influence of worldly distractions in your life?
- How can you ensure you are making time for the Lord each day?
Strengthening Our Spiritual Foundation
President Nelson emphasizes the importance of daily prayer, gospel study, and temple service in strengthening our spiritual foundation. He urges us to do those things that allow the Holy Ghost to be with us always.
I plead with you to make time for the Lord! Make your own spiritual foundation firm and able to stand the test of time by doing those things that allow the Holy Ghost to be with you always.
Nothing will strengthen your spiritual foundation like temple service and temple worship.
- Why is it important to strengthen our spiritual foundation?
- How do daily prayer, gospel study, and temple service contribute to this strengthening?
- What steps can you take to strengthen your spiritual foundation?
- How can you make daily prayer, gospel study, and temple service a consistent part of your life?
The Role of the Spirit
President Nelson underscores the profound truth that the Spirit speaks of things as they really are, and shows us what we should do. He suggests that focusing on Jesus Christ is a powerful way to invite the Spirit.
Never underestimate the profound truth that “the Spirit speaketh … of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be.” “It will show unto you all things what ye should do.”
Nothing invites the Spirit more than fixing your focus on Jesus Christ.
- What is the role of the Spirit in our lives?
- How does focusing on Jesus Christ invite the Spirit?
- How can you invite the Spirit more fully into your life?
- What steps can you take to focus more on Jesus Christ in your daily life?
The Importance of Temple Service and Worship
President Nelson emphasizes the importance of making time for the Lord in His holy house, stating that nothing strengthens our spiritual foundation like temple service and worship. He also announces new temple locations, reinforcing the importance of temples in our spiritual growth.
As I emphasized this morning, please make time for the Lord in His holy house. Nothing will strengthen your spiritual foundation like temple service and temple worship.
We thank all who are working on our new temples. They are being built all over the world.
- Why is temple service and worship important in our spiritual growth?
- What does President Nelson mean when he says that nothing strengthens our spiritual foundation like temple service and worship?
- How can you make temple service and worship a more consistent part of your life?
- What can you do to prepare for the new temples being built around the world?
The Love and Guidance of the Lord
President Nelson testifies of the love and guidance of the Lord. He assures us that the Lord knows and loves us, and will guide us in our personal lives if we make time for Him.
I love you, dear brothers and sisters. The Lord knows you and loves you. He is your Savior and your Redeemer. He leads and guides His Church. He will lead and guide you in your personal life if you will make time for Him in your life—each and every day.
- How does the Lord guide us in our personal lives?
- Why is it important to make time for the Lord in our daily lives?
- How have you felt the love and guidance of the Lord in your life?
- What steps can you take to make more time for the Lord in your daily life?