That They Might Know Thee

Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- What question does Elder Schmitt ask himself each week during his personal worship?
- How can knowing Jesus Christ by His many names bless our lives?
- What are some names of Jesus that Elder Schmitt discusses and how can they apply to us?
Understanding Jesus Through His Many Names
Elder Schmitt emphasizes the importance of knowing Jesus Christ through His many names. He suggests that understanding the meanings behind Jesus's names can help us understand His divine mission and character, and inspire us to develop Christlike attributes.
One simple way we get to know someone is by learning their name.
Just as Jesus knows each of us by name, one way we can come to better know Jesus is by learning His many names.
As we come to know Jesus’s many names, we will come to better understand His divine mission and His selfless character.
- What does it mean to know Jesus by His many names?
- How can knowing Jesus's names help us understand His divine mission and character?
- What are some names of Jesus that you can focus on this week?
- How can understanding Jesus's names inspire you to develop Christlike attributes?
Emulating Jesus as the Good Shepherd
Elder Schmitt discusses Jesus's role as the Good Shepherd who knows and cares for His sheep. He invites us to emulate this attribute by caring for those around us, particularly in our families and as ministering brothers and sisters.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. As such, Jesus knows His sheep, "calleth his own sheep by name," and, as the Lamb of God, gave His life for His sheep.
For those sheep who may be wandering, good shepherds go into the wilderness to find the lost sheep and then stay with them until they return to safety.
- What does it mean for Jesus to be the Good Shepherd?
- How can we emulate Jesus's role as the Good Shepherd in our lives?
- How can you better care for the "sheep" in your life this week?
- What are some ways you can seek out and support those who may be "wandering"?
Practicing Positivity as the High Priest of Good Things to Come
Elder Schmitt speaks of Jesus as the High Priest of Good Things to Come, who encourages us to be of good cheer despite tribulations. He encourages us to preach and practice positivity, optimism, and hope, and to joyfully live the gospel.
Jesus is the High Priest of Good Things to Come. Knowing that His Crucifixion was just hours away, Jesus said: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
Despite any challenges in our past, faith always points toward the future, filled with hope, allowing us to fulfill Jesus’s invitation to be of good cheer.
- What does it mean for Jesus to be the High Priest of Good Things to Come?
- How can we practice positivity, optimism, and hope in our lives?
- What are some ways you can be of good cheer and spread positivity this week?
- How does your faith help you look forward to good things to come?
Becoming Consistent as the Same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Elder Schmitt discusses Jesus's consistency as the Same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever. He encourages us to be more consistent in living the gospel, develop holy habits and righteous routines, and remain steadfast and immovable during life's storms.
Another of Jesus’s titles is that He is the Same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever. Consistency is a Christlike attribute.
As we are more consistent in living the gospel, we will become more like Jesus.
Great spiritual strength comes from small and simple things like developing "holy habits and righteous routines" of daily prayer, repentance, scripture study, and service to others.
- What does it mean for Jesus to be the Same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever?
- How can we be more consistent in living the gospel?
- What are some holy habits or righteous routines you can develop or strengthen this week?
- How can you remain steadfast and immovable during life's storms?
Increasing in Holiness as the Holy One of Israel
Elder Schmitt talks about Jesus as the Holy One of Israel and encourages us to increase in holiness by regularly visiting the temple and making our homes places of holiness. He invites those without a temple recommend to prepare themselves to enter or return to the temple.
Jesus is the Holy One of Israel. Jesus’s life was a pattern of holiness.
We increase in holiness as we regularly visit the temple, where "Holiness to the Lord" is etched above every entrance.
- What does it mean for Jesus to be the Holy One of Israel?
- How can we increase in holiness?
- What are some ways you can make your home a place of holiness?
- How can you prepare yourself to enter or return to the temple?
Being Faithful and True as Jesus
Elder Schmitt discusses Jesus as Faithful and True and encourages us to exhibit these qualities in our lives. He reminds us that Jesus is always ready to rescue us when our faith falters, and encourages us to stay with Jesus, especially during moments of doubt or fear.
One last name of Jesus is that He is Faithful and True. Just as Jesus was ever faithful and always true, His earnest desire is that we exhibit these qualities in our lives.
When we are faithful and true, we follow Jesus’s call to "abide in me," which can also mean "stay with me."
- What does it mean for Jesus to be Faithful and True?
- How can we exhibit faithfulness and truthfulness in our lives?
- What are some ways you can exhibit faithfulness and truthfulness this week?
- How can you "stay with" Jesus during moments of doubt or fear?