Love Is Spoken Here
Expressing Love Through Warmth and Reverence
Elder Gong discusses the importance of expressing love through warmth and reverence, both in our personal relationships and in our worship. He emphasizes the need to communicate love in a way that is heard and appreciated.
With warmth and reverence, our sacrament and other meetings focus on Jesus Christ.
We use reverent prayer language when we address Heavenly Father and warm respect when we speak with each other.
Each covenant whispers, "Love is spoken here."Key Points:
- Love is communicated in many languages, including through warmth and reverence.
- Our sacrament meetings should focus on Jesus Christ with warmth and reverence.
- The language we use can draw us closer to or distance us from other Christians and friends.
- Think of a time when you felt loved through someone's warmth and reverence.
- How can you show love to others through warmth and reverence in your daily interactions?
- What changes can you make in your language to draw others closer to Christ?
Expressing Love Through Service and Sacrifice
Elder Gong highlights the role of service and sacrifice in expressing love. He emphasizes the importance of accepting Church callings as opportunities to show love and grow in compassion, capacity, and humility.
Calls to serve the Lord and each other in His Church give opportunity to increase in compassion, capacity, and humility.
When we let Him, Jesus Christ helps us speak His love here.Key Points:
- Service and sacrifice are key ways to express love in the Church.
- Accepting Church callings is an opportunity to show love and grow spiritually.
- Serving in the Church can help us feel the Lord's love.
- Reflect on a time when you experienced love through service or sacrifice.
- How has accepting a Church calling helped you express love and grow spiritually?
- What sacrifices have you made in service that have brought you closer to Christ?
Expressing Love Through Covenant Belonging
Elder Gong discusses the idea of expressing love through covenant belonging. He suggests that covenant relationships with God and each other can heal and sanctify our most cherished relationships.
Jesus Christ offers a better way—relationships founded on divine covenant, stronger than the cords of death.
Covenant belonging with God and each other can heal and sanctify our most cherished relationships.Key Points:
- Love can be expressed through covenant belonging.
- Covenant relationships with God and others can heal and sanctify our relationships.
- Through covenant belonging, we can become more than we are.
- Think of a time when you felt love through a covenant relationship.
- How has covenant belonging healed or sanctified your relationships?
- What can you do to strengthen your covenant relationships with God and others?
The Importance of Language in Expressing Love
Elder Gong discusses the importance of language in expressing love. He highlights the need for understanding and kindness as we learn new languages of love together.
We speak love in many languages.
Let us be understanding and kind as we learn new languages of love together.Key Points:
- Love is spoken in many languages, not just verbal.
- Understanding and kindness are important as we learn new languages of love.
- Think of a time when you experienced love through a non-verbal language.
- How can you be more understanding and kind as you learn new languages of love?
- What new languages of love can you learn to better express love to others?
The Role of Activities in Building Love and Unity
Elder Gong discusses how ward activities can build love and unity among members. He emphasizes the role of well-planned activities in helping everyone feel valued and included.
For some time I have felt that, in many places in the Church, a few more ward activities, of course planned and implemented with gospel purpose, could knit us together with even greater belonging and unity.
One inspired ward activities chair and committee nurtures individuals and a community of Saints.Key Points:
- Ward activities can build love and unity among members.
- Well-planned activities can help everyone feel valued and included.
- Activities can bridge ages and backgrounds and create lasting memories.
- Think of a ward activity that helped you feel loved and included.
- How can you contribute to planning and implementing ward activities with a gospel purpose?
- What type of activities could your ward implement to foster greater belonging and unity?