Pillars and Rays
Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- What does Elder Dushku mean by "pillar of light" and "rays of light"?
- How does Elder Dushku suggest we can recognize and receive divine light in our lives?
- What are some examples Elder Dushku gives of receiving rays of light?
- How does Elder Dushku relate the concept of receiving light to building a testimony?
- What counsel does Elder Dushku give to those who feel they haven't had overwhelming spiritual experiences?
Understanding Pillars and Rays of Light
Elder Dushku uses the metaphor of pillars and rays of light to explain the nature of spiritual experiences. A pillar of light represents an overwhelming, dramatic spiritual experience, such as the First Vision. Rays of light, on the other hand, represent the small, consistent spiritual experiences that we encounter in our daily lives.
Rather than sending us a pillar of light, the Lord sends us a ray of light, and then another, and another.
Those rays of light are continuously being poured down upon us.
- What is the difference between a pillar of light and a ray of light?
- How does Elder Dushku describe the way the Lord typically communicates with us?
- Can you recall a time when you experienced a "ray of light" in your life?
- How can you tune your heart and mind to be more receptive to these rays of light?
Recognizing and Receiving Divine Light
Elder Dushku emphasizes the importance of recognizing and receiving the divine light that is constantly poured upon us. He suggests that we can experience this light in a variety of ways, such as peace of mind, impressions to do good, feelings of God's love, or insights from scripture study.
No two people experience God’s light and truth in exactly the same way.
If we have received the gift of the Holy Ghost and are striving to exercise faith, repent, and honor our covenants, then we are worthy to receive these divine rays constantly.
- What are some ways we can recognize divine light in our lives?
- What conditions does Elder Dushku mention for being worthy to receive these divine rays?
- How have you experienced the light of Christ in your own life?
- What steps can you take to better recognize and receive divine light?
Building Testimony through Rays of Light
Elder Dushku teaches that our testimonies are built by gathering and treasuring the rays of light we receive. Each ray of light, or spiritual experience, reinforces and combines with others, gradually creating a strong testimony that can withstand doubt.
The reality and power of one ray of testimony reinforces and combines with another, and then another, and another.
In time and through “great diligence,” we too can have our own pillar of light—one ray at a time.
- How does Elder Dushku describe the process of building a testimony?
- What does Elder Dushku mean when he says we can have our own pillar of light "one ray at a time"?
- How have the rays of light in your life contributed to your testimony?
- What can you do to better treasure and remember these spiritual experiences?
Personal Experiences with Divine Light
Elder Dushku shares several personal experiences where he felt the divine light in his life. These experiences range from feelings of reverence, receiving a witness of Jesus Christ, receiving callings, and experiencing miracles.
I remember being a rowdy teenager at a baptism. As the meeting was about to begin, I felt the Spirit urge me to sit down and be reverent.
And I remember waking up with strong spiritual feelings after a vivid dream of a dear friend and mentor who passed away far too early, leaving an enormous hole in my life.
- What are some examples Elder Dushku shares of his own experiences with divine light?
- How did these experiences influence Elder Dushku’s testimony and life?
- Can you recall a personal experience where you felt divine light?
- How did that experience impact your testimony or your understanding of the gospel?
Choosing Light Over Darkness
Elder Dushku concludes his talk by bearing witness of Jesus Christ and urging us to choose His light over the darkness of the world. He emphasizes that Jesus Christ is the light and life of our personal worlds and stands at the head of His Church.
May we recognize and receive His glorious light and then choose Him over the darkness of the world—always and forever.
- What does Elder Dushku mean when he encourages us to choose the light of Christ over the darkness of the world?
- What is Elder Dushku's testimony of Jesus Christ?
- How can you choose to follow the light of Christ in your daily life?
- In what ways can you share the light of Christ with others?