Be One with Christ
Before Reading
Before reading or listening to the talk, consider the following questions:
- How does Elder Cook describe the importance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
- What are the spiritual requirements for baptism as outlined by Elder Cook?
- What is the significance of being "one with Christ"?
- How does Elder Cook relate the concept of moral agency to our ability to choose Christ?
- What counsel does Elder Cook give regarding our choices and priorities in life?
Understanding the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Elder Cook shares the profound impact the Atonement of Jesus Christ has had on his life. He emphasizes that no one can return to God through good works alone, but only through the Savior's Atonement. The Atonement allows us to become one with Christ and our Heavenly Father.
He taught me that no one can return to God by good works alone without the benefit of the Savior’s Atonement.
Oneness with Christ and our Heavenly Father can be obtained through the Savior’s Atonement.
- What is the role of the Atonement in our lives?
- How does the Atonement help us become one with Christ and our Heavenly Father?
- How have you personally felt the impact of the Atonement in your life?
- What can you do to better draw upon the power of the Atonement?
Embracing the Doctrine and Principles of the Church
Elder Cook discusses the doctrine and principles established through the Prophet Joseph Smith, emphasizing their importance in accessing the Savior's atoning grace. He highlights the spiritual requirements for baptism and the sacraments that help us connect with the Savior.
The doctrine, principles, sacraments, and practices that the Lord established through Joseph Smith, the Prophet of the Restoration, are truly seminal.
The requirements for baptism, while profound, are uniquely simple.
- What are the spiritual requirements for baptism?
- How do the doctrine, principles, and sacraments of the Church help us access the Savior's atoning grace?
- How have the doctrines and principles of the Church influenced your relationship with the Savior?
- What steps can you take to better live the teachings of the Church?
Exercising Moral Agency to Choose Christ
Elder Cook explores the concept of moral agency, emphasizing its essential role in our spiritual progression. Through our agency, we can choose to be one with Christ and obey His commandments.
A fundamental doctrine of our faith is that we do have moral agency, which includes free will.
We are free to choose and act, but we do not control the consequences.
- What is moral agency?
- How does moral agency allow us to choose Christ?
- How have you used your agency to draw closer to Christ?
- What choices can you make today to better align your will with the Savior's?
Prioritizing Family and Spiritual Matters
Elder Cook counsels us to prioritize family and spiritual matters over material and occupational success. He emphasizes the eternal significance of these choices and encourages us to think "celestial".
The most significant choices can be made by almost everyone regardless of talents, abilities, opportunities, or economic circumstances.
What I am saying is that when efforts relating to education and occupation are elevated above the family or being one with Christ, the unintended consequences can be significantly adverse.
- Why is it important to prioritize family and spiritual matters?
- What are the potential consequences of prioritizing material and occupational success above spiritual matters?
- How can you better prioritize your family and spiritual matters in your life?
- What changes can you make to align your priorities with celestial thinking?
Including Others in Our Circle of Oneness
Elder Cook encourages us to include others in our circle of oneness, regardless of their cultural, linguistic, gender, racial, or national differences. This unity is achieved through our shared love of and faith in Jesus Christ, and our shared status as children of a loving Heavenly Father.
We are united by our love of and faith in Jesus Christ and as children of a loving Heavenly Father. The essence of truly belonging is to be one with Christ.
As President Nelson has so beautifully taught: "On every continent and across the isles of the sea, faithful people are being gathered into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Differences in culture, language, gender, race, and nationality fade into insignificance as the faithful enter the covenant path and come unto our beloved Redeemer."
- What does it mean to be "one with Christ"?
- How can we include others in our circle of oneness?
- Who can you reach out to and include in your circle of oneness?
- How can you better exemplify Christlike love and inclusivity in your interactions with others?