Trusting Our Father

Trust God in Decision-Making
Elder Homer recounts the story of Louisa Barnes Pratt to illustrate the importance of trusting God when making difficult decisions. Despite personal reluctance, Louisa followed prophetic counsel and found joy and strength in her journey.
I admire her willingness to set aside her personal preferences, her ability to trust God, and how exercising her faith helped her to see the situation differently.Key Points:
- Louisa Barnes Pratt's journey highlights the importance of trusting God over personal preferences.
- Prophetic guidance can provide direction in times of uncertainty.
- Faith and trust in God can transform our perspective and bring joy.
- Reflect on a time when you had to make a difficult decision. How did trusting in God help you?
- Share an experience where following prophetic counsel led to unexpected blessings.
- Describe a journey in your life where initial reluctance turned into joy through faith.
Recognize God's Eternal Truths
The talk underscores the importance of adhering to God's eternal truths, which are defined by Him and not subject to change based on societal norms or personal opinions.
The boundaries between right and wrong are not for us to define. God has established these boundaries Himself, based on eternal truths for our benefit and blessing.
President Russell M. Nelson has consistently taught that God’s saving truths are absolute, independent, and defined by God Himself.Key Points:
- God's truths are eternal and not relative.
- Societal pressures may challenge these truths, but they remain constant.
- Adhering to God's truths leads to blessings and avoids sorrow.
- Think of a time when holding onto God's truths was challenging. What was the outcome?
- Discuss how understanding the eternal nature of God's truths has impacted your life decisions.
- Share how you have taught or explained God's eternal truths to someone else.
Choose Whom to Trust
Elder Homer emphasizes the importance of choosing to trust God over our own understanding. By doing so, we open ourselves to divine guidance and blessings.
Whom we choose to trust is one of life’s important decisions.
We walk forward in faith, trusting in God, knowing that with time we will receive more spiritual clarity from our Heavenly Father.Key Points:
- Trusting God over our own understanding is crucial.
- Scriptures and living prophets provide guidance in understanding God's truth.
- Faith and humility are key to receiving spiritual clarity.
- Recall a moment when trusting in God brought clarity to a confusing situation.
- How has the counsel of living prophets helped you in your journey of faith?
- Share a time when you felt your personal views were not in harmony with God's teachings and how you resolved it.
Look to the Savior for Guidance
Elder Homer encourages us to focus on the Savior, especially in times of doubt or misunderstanding. By doing so, we can overcome pride and receive the peace and blessings He offers.
Please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.
We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.Key Points:
- Focusing on the Savior helps overcome doubt.
- Pride can impede our understanding of eternal truths.
- Faith in Christ brings peace and divine gifts.
- Describe a time when focusing on the Savior helped you through a difficult period.
- How have you overcome doubts in your faith journey?
- Share how looking to Christ has brought peace into your life.
Submit Our Will to God's
The act of submitting our will to God is central to our discipleship. Elder Homer illustrates this principle with personal stories and emphasizes the joy and purpose that come from aligning our will with God's.
The submission of one’s will is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar.
I have learned for myself that God is good and that His ways are better than mine.Key Points:
- Submitting our will to God is an act of faith.
- This submission leads to greater agency and joy.
- Personal experiences of returning to God illustrate this principle.
- Reflect on a time when submitting your will to God brought unexpected blessings.
- Share an experience where you learned that God's ways are better than your own.
- Describe how you have felt the Holy Ghost's presence when aligning your will with God's.