Be Thou Clean

Embrace Spiritual Purity
Elder Goury recounts a childhood experience that taught him about the true meaning of spiritual purity and the importance of repentance in preparing for the Savior's return.
And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood.
The preacher’s message was centered on the importance of spiritual purity.Key Points:
- Spiritual purity is essential for entering the kingdom of God.
- Repentance is a key component of achieving spiritual purity.
- The Savior's atonement allows us to become clean.
- Reflect on a time when you realized the importance of spiritual cleanliness.
- Share an experience where you felt the need to repent and seek forgiveness.
- Discuss how understanding spiritual purity has impacted your life choices.
Understand the Joy of Repentance
Elder Goury emphasizes the joy and peace that come from genuine repentance, as taught by President Russell M. Nelson, and encourages members not to delay this essential process.
Please do not fear or delay repenting. Satan delights in your misery. Cut it short.
The joy that emanates from genuine repentance surpasses understanding.Key Points:
- Repentance brings joy and peace.
- Delaying repentance prolongs suffering.
- The Savior is eager to forgive and bless those who repent.
- Describe a moment when you felt joy after repenting.
- How has daily repentance changed your relationship with the Savior?
- Share a story of overcoming fear to repent.
Maintain a Clear Spiritual Connection
Drawing a parallel with his wife's hearing aids, Elder Goury illustrates the necessity of daily spiritual maintenance to keep our connection with the Holy Ghost clear and unobstructed.
Daily repentance allows us to discern the guidance of the Lord through the Holy Ghost.
The Spirit of the Lord doth not dwell in unholy temples.Key Points:
- Daily spiritual practices keep our connection with the Holy Ghost strong.
- A clear spiritual connection is essential for guidance and protection.
- Neglecting spiritual maintenance can impair our ability to receive revelation.
- How do you ensure your spiritual connection remains clear?
- Share a time when you felt the Holy Ghost guiding you.
- Discuss the impact of daily spiritual habits on your life.
Heed the Promptings of the Holy Ghost
Elder Goury shares an experience of following a prompting to minister to someone in need, illustrating the importance of being receptive to the Holy Ghost's guidance.
When we are receptive to the guidance of the still, small voice, we are better equipped to more effectively minister to those in need.
Our Heavenly Father, who was aware of her needs, did know and inspired President Chesnut to visit her home.Key Points:
- The Holy Ghost guides us to serve others.
- Promptings often come unexpectedly and require faith to follow.
- Being in tune with the Spirit allows us to be instruments in God's hands.
- Recall a time you acted on a prompting and saw the Lord's hand in your life.
- How do you recognize promptings from the Holy Ghost?
- Share an experience where following a prompting blessed someone else.
Live Worthy of the Holy Ghost's Companionship
Elder Goury highlights the necessity of living worthily to enjoy the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, as taught by President Dallin H. Oaks.
The blessings available through the gift of the Holy Ghost are conditioned upon worthiness.
Having the Holy Ghost as a constant companion is crucial for our spiritual growth.Key Points:
- Worthiness is required to enjoy the Holy Ghost's companionship.
- The Holy Ghost aids in decision-making and provides spiritual growth.
- Following prophetic counsel enhances our ability to receive the Spirit.
- How do you strive to live worthy of the Holy Ghost's companionship?
- Discuss a decision where the Holy Ghost played a crucial role.
- Share how living worthily has influenced your spiritual journey.