The Wind Did Never Cease to Blow

Serve Like the Wind
Elder Cavalcante uses the metaphor of the wind that guided the Jaredites to illustrate how we can serve others and help them progress toward God's blessings.
We can decide to serve as a humble gust of wind in the Lord’s hands.
The wind did never cease to blow the Jaredites toward the promised land.Key Points:
- Service can be a guiding force in others" lives.
- Our actions can help others reach their spiritual "promised land."
- Recall a time when you felt guided by the Lord in serving someone.
- Describe an experience where you helped someone in need.
- Share how you have seen others be "the wind" in someone's life.
Recognize the Forgotten
Elder Cavalcante shares stories of those who might be overlooked in society and the Church, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and serving them.
How many faithful brothers and sisters sit forgotten among us today?
Whether we are well-known or forgotten, trials will inevitably come to each one of us.Key Points:
- Many people are forgotten or overlooked in society and within the Church.
- Recognizing and serving these individuals is a vital part of discipleship.
- Think of a time you felt forgotten and how someone helped you.
- Share a story of helping someone who seemed overlooked.
- Reflect on how you can better recognize and serve the "forgotten" in your community.
Embrace Missionary Calls
Elder Cavalcante encourages young men and women to serve missions, emphasizing the transformative power of missionary service.
For Latter-day Saint young men, missionary service is a priesthood responsibility.
You can have more impact on the world than any previous generation!Key Points:
- Missionary service is a powerful opportunity for spiritual growth.
- Every young man is encouraged to serve, and young women are invited to consider it.
- Share your experience preparing for a mission.
- Discuss a transformative moment from your mission.
- Reflect on how your mission has impacted your life.
Overcome Personal Insecurities
Elder Cavalcante reassures those who feel inadequate or insecure, using scriptural examples to illustrate how the Lord supports His servants.
Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee.
I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.Key Points:
- Feelings of inadequacy are common among the Lord’s servants.
- The Lord promises to guide and support us despite our insecurities.
- Reflect on a time you felt inadequate but succeeded.
- Share how you have overcome personal insecurities with the Lord’s help.
- Discuss how you have seen others overcome their insecurities.
Find Strength in the Savior
Elder Cavalcante testifies of the Savior’s role as our Advocate and the source of strength in guiding us through life's challenges.
Jesus Christ is our Advocate with the Father.
He is a living God and acts as a strong wind that will always guide us.Key Points:
- The Savior is our source of strength and guidance.
- He helps us navigate through life's challenges and trials.
- Share a time when you felt the Savior guiding you.
- Discuss how you have felt the Savior as your Advocate.
- Reflect on how the Savior has strengthened you in difficult times.