Aligning Our Will with His

Prioritize the Kingdom of Heaven
Elder Soares uses the parable of the merchant seeking pearls to illustrate the supreme value of the kingdom of heaven. He encourages us to prioritize it above all worldly pursuits.
The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a priceless pearl, truly the most precious treasure that should be desired over all else.
We should align our mind and desires with the will of the Lord and willingly do everything we can during our mortal journey to attain the eternal blessings of God’s kingdom.Key Points:
- The parable of the merchant illustrates the value of the kingdom of heaven.
- We must prioritize divine pursuits over worldly ones.
- Aligning with God's will is essential to obtaining eternal blessings.
- Reflect on a time when you prioritized spiritual goals over worldly ones.
- Share an experience where you felt the need to align your desires with God's will.
- Discuss how you have sought the "pearl of great price" in your life.
Submit to God's Will
Elder Soares emphasizes the importance of submitting our will to God's, as exemplified by Jesus Christ. This submission leads to spiritual growth and eternal life.
In a gospel sense, "[doing] always those things that please [the Lord]" relates to submitting our will to His will.
The Savior achieved a perfect and divine level of submission to the Father by allowing His will to be swallowed up in the Father’s will.Key Points:
- Submission to God's will was exemplified by Jesus Christ.
- This submission is essential for spiritual growth and eternal life.
- The Savior's example teaches us the importance of aligning with the Father's will.
- Describe a situation where you had to submit your will to God's.
- How has following God's will impacted your life?
- Share a moment when you felt guided by the Spirit to align your actions with God's will.
Beware of Self-Centered Pursuits
Elder Soares warns against the growing trend of self-centeredness and emphasizes the need to avoid philosophies that contradict God's plan.
One sign that indicates fulfillment of this prophecy is the current growing trend in the world, adopted by so many, of people becoming consumed with themselves.
This mentality is, in fact, an old trick of the adversary; it is a deceptive path that carefully leads God’s children away from the true and faithful covenant path.Key Points:
- Self-centeredness is a growing trend that contradicts God's plan.
- This mentality can lead us away from the covenant path.
- We must be vigilant to avoid philosophies that focus on self over God.
- Reflect on a time when you were tempted to follow a self-centered philosophy.
- How have you overcome worldly influences that contradict God's plan?
- Share an experience where you chose God's way over popular trends.
Embrace Discipleship
Elder Soares encourages us to embrace true discipleship by aligning our actions with Christ's teachings and living by every word of God.
As Christ’s disciples, we desire to walk the path He marked for us during His mortal ministry.
We not only desire to do His will and all that will please Him but also seek to emulate Him.Key Points:
- True discipleship involves walking the path marked by Christ.
- We must strive to emulate Christ in all aspects of our lives.
- Living by every word of God protects us from worldly errors.
- Share a time when you felt strengthened by living Christ's teachings.
- How do you strive to emulate Christ in your daily life?
- Discuss ways you have seen discipleship protect you from worldly errors.
Find Joy in Spiritual Submissiveness
Elder Soares shares that true joy comes when our will aligns with God's, leading to a consecrated life and the discovery of the kingdom of heaven.
One of the most glorious moments of mortality occurs when we discover the joy that comes when doing always those things that "work for and please the Lord" and "what works for us" become one and the same!
At that sublime moment, we become consecrated to the Lord, and we totally yield our wills to Him.Key Points:
- Spiritual submissiveness leads to true joy and consecration.
- Aligning our will with God's allows us to discover the kingdom of heaven.
- This alignment transforms our lives and brings eternal blessings.
- Reflect on a time when you felt joy from aligning your will with God's.
- How has spiritual submissiveness transformed your life?
- Share an experience where yielding to God's will brought unexpected blessings.