Holiness to the Lord in Everyday Life

Embrace Holiness in Daily Life
Elder Gong shares how holiness can transform everyday experiences into sacred ones. By embracing holiness, we can find joy amidst life's challenges and become more like the Savior.
Ours is a gospel of joy and holiness in everyday life.
To walk with the Lord, we must become holy, for He is holy.Key Points:
- Holiness sets things apart for sacred purpose.
- Holiness invites us to infuse daily living with the sacred.
- Living with holiness brings joy and fulfillment.
- Think of a time when you felt the sacred in a mundane task.
- How have you seen holiness in your family life?
- Reflect on moments where you have felt closer to the Savior in your daily routine.
The Power of Spiritual Commitment
Elder Gong discusses the benefits of spiritual commitment, highlighting how religious believers often experience greater happiness and health. This commitment provides clarity and purpose.
Religious believers are on average happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.
Holiness to the Lord says yes to the sacred and reverent.Key Points:
- Religious practitioners flourish in various aspects of life.
- Spiritual commitment combats isolation and provides purpose.
- Holiness involves saying no to the profane and yes to the sacred.
- When have you felt your spiritual commitment positively impact your life?
- How has your faith community supported you in difficult times?
- Consider a time when your spiritual practices brought you peace or clarity.
Personal Stories of Holiness
Elder Gong shares stories from Church members who have experienced the power of holiness in their lives. These stories illustrate how gospel principles can guide and bless us.
Holiness to the Lord in everyday life looks like two faithful young adults... sharing gospel covenants.
I learned in that moment to pray not for what I wanted but for what the Lord knew the person needed.Key Points:
- Personal experiences with holiness can strengthen faith.
- Gospel principles guide us through life's challenges.
- Holiness can lead to personal growth and blessings.
- Share a story where you felt guided by the Spirit in a difficult decision.
- How have gospel covenants influenced your life choices?
- Reflect on a time when you felt the Lord's presence in a challenging situation.
Holiness in Missionary Work
Elder Gong highlights the role of holiness in missionary service, sharing stories of missionaries who have consecrated their service to the Lord and seen His hand in their lives.
Our treasury of missionary holiness-to-the-Lord blessings is rich and full.
When missionaries of all ages and backgrounds consecrate holiness to the Lord, things can work out in the Lord’s time and way.Key Points:
- Missionary service can bring unexpected blessings.
- Consecration to the Lord's work leads to personal and spiritual growth.
- Holiness in service helps align our will with the Lord's.
- Reflect on a missionary experience that strengthened your faith.
- How has missionary service impacted your life or the lives of those around you?
- Consider a time when you saw the Lord's hand in your service to others.
Holiness in Family Relationships
Elder Gong shares touching stories about how holiness can mend and strengthen family relationships, even across generations and beyond the veil.
Spending time in the house of the Lord has healed us.
The temple completed our journey to wholeness as an eternal family.Key Points:
- The temple plays a key role in healing and strengthening family bonds.
- Holiness can bridge gaps in relationships and bring peace.
- Family relationships can be eternal through sacred covenants.
- Share a story of how temple attendance has blessed your family.
- Reflect on how your family relationships have been strengthened by gospel principles.
- Consider a time when you felt a connection with family members beyond the veil.