The Joy of Our Redemption

Experience the Savior's Redemptive Power
Sister Yee shares her experience of painting a portrait of Christ, which becomes a metaphor for His redemptive power. Despite setbacks, she learns that the Savior can mend what seems irreparable, illustrating His ability to redeem our mistakes and weaknesses.
What I thought was a mistake without mend was an opportunity for His merciful hand to be manifest.
He was not done with the painting, and He was not done with me.Key Points:
- The Savior's redemptive power can mend what seems irreparable.
- Our mistakes and weaknesses are opportunities for Christ's mercy to be manifest.
- The process of repentance allows us to feel God's love and forgiveness.
- Recall a time when you felt something in your life was beyond repair. How did you see the Savior's hand in that situation?
- Share an experience where you felt the Savior's mercy and love in your life.
- Have you ever worked on a project that didn't go as planned? How did you overcome the challenges?
Embrace Repentance and Forgiveness
Sister Yee emphasizes the importance of repentance in feeling God's love and forgiveness. She reminds us that through sincere repentance, we can receive an ongoing remission of our sins and deepen our relationship with God.
Repenting allows us to feel God’s love and to know and love Him in ways we would never otherwise know.
There is such relief and hope in knowing that we can try again.Key Points:
- Repentance is essential to experiencing God's love and forgiveness.
- Sincere repentance leads to an ongoing remission of sins.
- Repentance deepens our relationship with God.
- Reflect on a time when you experienced the relief of repentance. How did it change your relationship with God?
- Consider how repentance has helped you overcome personal weaknesses.
- Share a story of how repentance has brought peace and healing into your life.
Recognize the Savior's Infinite Love
Sister Yee testifies of the Savior's infinite love and His power to save us from our sins. She reassures us that no one is beyond the reach of His atoning sacrifice, and that He can heal the broken and desolate places in our souls.
You may feel at times that it’s not possible to be redeemed, but I testify that you are not beneath the Master’s reach.
He can heal the "waste places" of your soul.Key Points:
- The Savior's love is infinite and encompasses all.
- No one is beyond the reach of His atoning power.
- The Savior can heal the broken and desolate places within us.
- Think of a time when you felt distant from God. How did you come to feel His love again?
- Describe a moment when you felt the Savior's healing power in your life.
- Share an experience where you felt the Savior's love despite your struggles.
Lay Aside Spiritual Defenses
Sister Yee encourages us to lay aside any defenses that prevent us from receiving God’s blessings. She highlights the importance of humility and openness to God's love, mercy, and healing.
Let us not defend ourselves from the good that God desires to bless us with.
I pray we may lay aside any "weapons of war" that we’ve consciously or even unconsciously taken up.Key Points:
- Defending ourselves from God's blessings hinders our spiritual growth.
- Humility and openness are essential to receiving God's love and mercy.
- Laying aside spiritual defenses allows us to experience deeper covenant relationships.
- Identify a "weapon of war" you may be holding onto. How can you let it go?
- Reflect on a time when you opened your heart to God's blessings. What changed?
- Consider how humility has helped you grow spiritually.
Pursue Daily Repentance and Change
Sister Yee stresses the importance of daily repentance and striving for change. She teaches that real repentance requires effort, sincerity, and a willingness to continually seek forgiveness and improvement.
Real repentance, real change may require repeated attempts, but there is something refining and holy in such striving.
Each day is a new day filled with hope and possibilities because of Jesus Christ.Key Points:
- Daily repentance is essential for spiritual growth.
- Repentance requires effort, sincerity, and repeated attempts.
- Each day offers new opportunities for change and improvement.
- Share a personal story of how daily repentance has helped you grow closer to the Savior.
- Reflect on a time when you had to repeatedly strive for change. What did you learn?
- Consider how daily repentance has brought hope and possibilities into your life.