The Man Who Communed with Jehovah

Seek Wisdom from God
Joseph Smith's First Vision exemplifies how sincere prayer and seeking wisdom from God can lead to divine guidance and forgiveness. This foundational event in the Restoration teaches us about the nature of God and His willingness to answer those who seek Him earnestly.
The real resonance of the First Vision today is to know that it’s the nature of God to give to those who lack wisdom.
Joseph’s experience in the grove gave him confidence to ask for forgiveness and direction for the rest of his life.Key Points:
- Joseph Smith's First Vision marked the beginning of the Restoration.
- The experience was personal and preparatory for Joseph, providing forgiveness and direction.
- It demonstrates that God answers sincere prayers for wisdom.
- Reflect on a time when you sought wisdom from God and received an answer.
- Share an experience where prayer provided you with direction in life.
- Discuss how the First Vision has impacted your understanding of God's nature.
Embrace Regular Repentance
Joseph Smith's life illustrates the importance of regular repentance. His experiences of seeking forgiveness demonstrate that Jesus Christ is forgiving and merciful, encouraging us to continually seek His grace.
Joseph’s life of regular repentance gives me confidence to "come boldly unto the throne of grace."
Jesus Christ truly is "of a forgiving disposition."Key Points:
- Joseph Smith regularly sought forgiveness, receiving divine reassurance and guidance.
- Repentance is a continual process, supported by Christ's mercy and grace.
- Christ's nature is to forgive and save, not to condemn.
- Describe a moment when you felt the peace of forgiveness after repentance.
- How has regular repentance strengthened your relationship with the Savior?
- Share an experience where you felt the Savior's mercy and grace.
Inquire of the Lord for Revelation
Joseph Smith's repeated inquiries to the Lord resulted in vital revelations that clarified and completed gospel truths. His example encourages us to seek divine guidance in our own lives.
Vital truths were given clarity and completeness as Joseph repeatedly inquired of the Lord for direction.Key Points:
- Joseph Smith's inquiries brought forth the Book of Mormon and other revelations.
- These revelations include key doctrines about the nature of God and the Atonement.
- We are encouraged to seek revelation in our own lives.
- Share a time when you received personal revelation after inquiring of the Lord.
- How do you seek and recognize revelation in your daily life?
- Discuss a revelation or doctrine that has brought clarity to your understanding of the gospel.
Participate in Rolling Forth the Kingdom
Joseph Smith prophesied the unity of the heavenly and earthly priesthoods in rolling forth God's kingdom. His dedication and testimony inspire us to actively participate in the work of the Lord.
The heavenly Priesthood will unite with the earthly, to bring about those great purposes.
I believe and am sure that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.Key Points:
- Joseph Smith foresaw the collaboration of heavenly and earthly priesthoods.
- His testimony continues to inspire and guide the Church's mission.
- We are called to actively engage in building God's kingdom on earth.
- Reflect on how you have contributed to building the kingdom of God.
- Share an experience where you felt the support of the priesthood in your life.
- Discuss how you can unite with others to further the work of the Lord.
Testify of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Elder McKay affirms Joseph Smith's role as a prophet of God, whose revelations and testimony continue to guide the Church. His life and teachings bear witness of Jesus Christ and the Restoration.
I testify that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God, a witness and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord stands by His servant Joseph and the Restoration wrought through him.Key Points:
- Joseph Smith's prophetic role is central to the Restoration.
- His testimony and revelations affirm the divinity of Jesus Christ.
- The Lord continues to support the Restoration initiated by Joseph Smith.
- Share your testimony of Joseph Smith and his role in the Restoration.
- Reflect on how Joseph Smith's teachings have strengthened your faith in Christ.
- Discuss a revelation received through Joseph Smith that has impacted your life.