Embrace the Lord’s Gift of Repentance

Recognize Feelings of Inadequacy
Elder Alvarado acknowledges the common feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness that many experience, including himself. He shares how these feelings can lead us to rely on Jesus Christ and seek His strength.
I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine to rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine.
Notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am!Key Points:
- Feelings of inadequacy are common and can lead us to Christ.
- Nephi and Joseph Smith both experienced these feelings and turned to the Lord.
- Relying on Christ's strength can help us overcome these feelings.
- When have you felt inadequate or unworthy?
- How did turning to Christ help you in those moments?
- What scriptures or hymns have comforted you during times of self-doubt?
Understand the Joy of Repentance
Repentance is a joyful, daily process that brings us closer to Christ. Elder Alvarado emphasizes that through repentance, we can experience healing and fulfillment of righteous desires.
Repentance is joy! Sweet repentance is part of a daily process.
He can fulfill any righteous desire or longing and can heal any wound in our lives.Key Points:
- Repentance is a joyful and continuous process.
- Through repentance, we can experience healing and fulfillment.
- Sincere repentance leads us to Christ and the temple.
- How has repentance brought joy into your life?
- Share a time when you felt healed through the process of repentance.
- How do you incorporate repentance into your daily routine?
Share the Gospel Through Acts of Faith
The story of Célia Cruz Ayala demonstrates how simple acts of faith, like sharing a Book of Mormon, can have profound impacts, leading others to repentance and conversion.
That book [the Book of Mormon] has helped me in my life.
I thought your wrapped gift was something I could sell. Instead, it has made me want to change my life.Key Points:
- Small acts of faith can lead to significant changes in others" lives.
- Sharing the gospel can bring others to repentance and conversion.
- The power of the Book of Mormon in changing lives is profound.
- When have you seen a simple act of faith impact someone's life?
- How has sharing the gospel strengthened your testimony?
- What experiences have you had with the Book of Mormon affecting others?
Seek Temple Blessings Through Repentance
Elder Alvarado encourages us to strive for worthiness to receive temple blessings. The temple is a place where we can experience personal holiness and the fullness of the gospel's blessings.
Nothing will open the heavens more than worshipping in the temple.
Our path of sincere repentance will eventually lead us to the Savior’s holy temple.Key Points:
- Striving for temple worthiness is a righteous motive.
- Temple worship enhances our ability to experience personal holiness.
- Sacred covenants made in the temple bring us closer to God.
- What role has the temple played in your repentance process?
- How has temple worship strengthened your relationship with the Savior?
- Share a time when you felt the blessings of temple covenants in your life.
Embrace the Atonement's Infinite Power
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is infinite and eternal, offering hope and healing to all. Elder Alvarado testifies of the Savior's power to cleanse and mold us as we sincerely repent and come unto Him.
Our Savior’s Atonement is infinite and eternal.
The Master Potter will mold and refine us, which can be difficult.Key Points:
- The Atonement offers infinite hope and healing.
- Christ's power can cleanse and mold us as we repent.
- There is no point of no return with the Savior.
- How have you felt the Savior's healing power in your life?
- What experiences have strengthened your testimony of the Atonement?
- Share a time when you felt the Savior molding and refining you.