In the Space of Not Many Years

Recognize the Book of Mormon's Future Focus
Elder Bednar highlights President Benson's teachings that the Book of Mormon is written for our day, containing principles and warnings relevant to our modern challenges. It is a forward-looking scripture meant to guide us in current and future circumstances.
The Book of Mormon … was written for our day.
This volume of scripture looks to the future and contains important principles, warnings, and lessons intended for the circumstances and challenges of our day.Key Points:
- The Book of Mormon is not just a historical record but a guide for our times.
- We should study it by asking why certain accounts were included for us.
- When have you felt the Book of Mormon address a modern challenge you faced?
- How has President Benson's focus on the Book of Mormon influenced your study habits?
Learn from the Nephites" Downfall
The Nephites" rapid decline into wickedness serves as a warning about the dangers of pride and prosperity. Elder Bednar explains how pride led them to forget God, highlighting the spiritual blindness and self-reliance that followed.
Pride … began to enter … into the hearts of the people who professed to belong to the church of God.
If we are not faithful and obedient, we can transform the God-given blessing of prosperity into a prideful curse.Key Points:
- Prosperity and pride can lead to spiritual blindness.
- The Nephites forgot God due to their focus on wealth and self-importance.
- Can you recall a time when pride affected your spiritual well-being?
- What steps do you take to remain humble amidst success?
Emulate the Lamanites" Righteousness
In contrast to the Nephites, the Lamanites turned to God, demonstrating faith, repentance, and a mighty change of heart. Elder Bednar emphasizes their diligence in keeping commandments and striving for righteousness.
The righteousness [of the Lamanites] did exceed that of the Nephites, because of their firmness and their steadiness in the faith.Key Points:
- The Lamanites" conversion involved faith, repentance, and a change of heart.
- Their example underscores the importance of steadfastness in faith.
- How have you experienced a "mighty change of heart" in your life?
- What practices help you remain firm and steadfast in your faith?
Heed the Warning and Embrace the Promise
Elder Bednar warns of both institutional and individual apostasy, emphasizing the need for humility to avoid pride. He assures that as we study the Book of Mormon, we will gain insights applicable to our lives today.
If you or I do not believe we could be afflicted with and by pride, then we are vulnerable and in spiritual danger.
Blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble.Key Points:
- Apostasy can occur on both a personal and institutional level.
- Humility is key to avoiding the pitfalls of pride.
- When have you felt the need to humble yourself to avoid spiritual pitfalls?
- How do you incorporate the lessons from the Book of Mormon into your daily life?