Mortality Works!

Recognize the Purpose of Trials
Elder Hales discusses the inevitability of trials in our lives and how they are essential for our growth and development. He explains that these challenges are part of God's plan to refine and teach us.
Mortality works! It is designed to work! Despite the challenges, heartaches, and difficulties we all face, our loving, wise, and perfect Heavenly Father has designed the plan of happiness such that we are not destined to fail.
To completely avoid the problems, challenges, and difficulties of this world would be to sidestep the process that is truly necessary for mortality to work.Key Points:
- Trials are part of the divine plan and are necessary for our growth.
- We should expect and not be surprised by challenges.
- God's plan is designed for our success, not failure.
- Reflect on a time when you faced a significant challenge. How did it help you grow?
- How have you seen God's hand in your life during difficult times?
- Share an experience where you felt refined by a trial.
Rely on the Savior's Atonement
Elder Hales emphasizes the importance of relying on the Savior's Atonement to overcome feelings of inadequacy and to find strength in our weaknesses.
The Savior helped me to overcome my feelings of unworthiness and to extend sincere forgiveness to the offender.
Because of the Savior’s Atonement, mortality works.Key Points:
- The Savior's Atonement is a personal gift to each of us.
- Through the Atonement, we can find strength in our weaknesses.
- The Savior's grace is sufficient for all our needs.
- When have you felt the Savior's strength in your life?
- Describe a time when you felt the healing power of the Atonement.
- How has understanding the Atonement changed your perspective on challenges?
Embrace the Refiner's Fire
Elder Hales illustrates how life's experiences, both good and bad, teach us important lessons and help us develop empathy and compassion.
I now know and bear testimony that mortality works!
As we come to rely on the Savior’s grace and keep our covenants, we can serve as examples of the far-reaching effects of the Savior’s Atonement.Key Points:
- Life's experiences teach us important lessons.
- Our trials can help us develop empathy and compassion for others.
- We should strive to treat others as the Savior would.
- Share how a difficult experience has helped you develop empathy.
- How have you been able to help others because of your own trials?
- Reflect on a time when you felt refined by a challenging experience.
Trust in God's Plan
Elder Hales shares personal and scriptural examples to illustrate that God's plan is designed for our ultimate success and happiness.
We were not sent here to fail but to succeed in God’s plan for us.
Mortality works—and that it works for us too.Key Points:
- God's plan is for our success and eternal happiness.
- We can have assurance and trust in the Lord as we keep our covenants.
- Keeping the commandments leads to blessings in all things.
- How have you seen God's plan unfold in your life?
- Share an experience where trusting in God's plan brought you peace.
- How has keeping the commandments blessed your life?
The Role of Covenants and Service
Elder Hales highlights the importance of making and keeping covenants and serving others as part of our journey in mortality.
As we receive the ordinances of the gospel, enter into covenants with God and then keep those covenants, repent, serve others, and endure to the end, we too can have the assurance and complete trust in the Lord that mortality works!Key Points:
- Covenants are essential to our spiritual journey.
- Service to others is a crucial part of living the gospel.
- Enduring to the end brings assurance and trust in the Lord.
- Describe a time when keeping a covenant brought you closer to God.
- How has serving others strengthened your faith?
- Reflect on an experience where enduring to the end brought you peace.