“Behold I Am the Light Which Ye Shall Hold Up”

Sustain and Hold Up Church Leaders
Elder Rasband discusses the importance of sustaining Church leaders, including the prophet, apostles, and local leaders, as a way to show support and commitment to the Lord's work.
To sustain means to hold up another person, to give them our attention, to be faithful to their trust, to act upon their words.
Our sustaining of prophets is a personal commitment that we will do our utmost to uphold their prophetic priorities.Key Points:
- Sustaining leaders is an act of faith and commitment.
- We are called to actively support and uphold the teachings of Church leaders.
- Sustaining involves more than just a momentary act; it is a daily commitment.
- Reflect on a time when you felt uplifted by supporting a Church leader.
- Consider how you have been strengthened by sustaining your local leaders.
- Share an experience where you saw the impact of sustaining others in their callings.
Hold Up the Light of Christ
Elder Rasband urges members to hold up the light of Christ by living their covenants and supporting the prophet, thereby sharing His light with the world.
Hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up.
We hold up the Lord’s light when we hold fast to our covenants and when we support our living prophet.Key Points:
- Holding up Christ's light involves living our covenants.
- Supporting the prophet is a way to hold up the light of Christ.
- Sharing Christ's light brings hope and guidance to others.
- Describe a moment when you felt the light of Christ in your life.
- How have you seen others hold up the light of Christ in your community?
- Share how living your covenants has helped you shine Christ's light.
The Role of Temples in Gathering Israel
Elder Rasband highlights the significance of temples in the Lord's work and how they serve as a place of peace, comfort, and revelation.
We build temples to honor the Lord. They are built for worship and not for show.
The Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple.Key Points:
- Temples are central to the gathering of Israel.
- Service in the temple brings personal revelation and strength.
- The temple is a place where we make sacred covenants.
- Reflect on how temple service has impacted your life.
- Share a meaningful experience you've had in the temple.
- Consider how attending the temple has strengthened your testimony.
The Power of Personal Revelation
Elder Rasband emphasizes the need for personal revelation to navigate the challenges of life and to receive divine guidance.
We all need to be lifted up by the Lord with peace, with comfort, and most of all with personal revelation.
In the temple, you will learn how to part the veil between heaven and earth, how to ask for God’s angels to attend you.Key Points:
- Personal revelation is essential in overcoming life's challenges.
- The temple is a key place to receive personal revelation.
- Angels and divine assistance are available to those who seek it.
- Share a time when personal revelation guided you through a difficult situation.
- How has personal revelation strengthened your faith?
- Reflect on ways you can seek more personal revelation in your life.
The Atonement and Strength from Angels
Elder Rasband reflects on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how angels provide strength and support, just as they did for the Savior in Gethsemane.
There, the greatest single act of love of all recorded history took place.
There appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.Key Points:
- The Atonement is the ultimate act of love and sacrifice.
- Angels can provide strength and support in our lives.
- Christ's Atonement enables us to repent and come unto Him.
- Reflect on how the Atonement has brought you peace and strength.
- Share an experience where you felt divine support in a challenging time.
- Consider how you can rely more on the Savior's Atonement in your daily life.