Words Matter
Understanding the Importance of Words
Words are the bedrock of how we connect; they represent our beliefs, morals, and perspectives. Words set a tone, voice our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, for good or bad. They can be hurtful or encouraging, and can open our minds to truth.
Words matter! They are the bedrock of how we connect; they represent our beliefs, morals, and perspectives.
Words set a tone. They voice our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, for good or bad.
Words can celebrate victory, be hopeful and encouraging. They can prompt us to rethink, reboot, and redirect our course. Words can open our minds to truth.Key Points:
- Words are how we connect with others and express our beliefs and perspectives.
- The words we speak can have a powerful impact, for good or bad.
- Words can encourage us to rethink, reboot, and redirect our course.
- Think of a time when someone's words had a significant impact on you. What was said and how did it affect you?
- Have you ever regretted something you said? How did you handle that situation?
- Can you recall a time when your words had a positive impact on someone else?
Heeding the Lord's Words
The words of the Lord are of utmost importance. They surpass all other expressions and have the power to draw us closer to Him. Studying His words increases our ability to be more like Him.
That is why, first and foremost, the Lord’s words matter.
The “word of God” surpasses all other expressions. It has been so since the Creation of the earth when the Lord spoke: “Let there be light: and there was light.”
Believing and heeding the word of God will draw us closer to Him.Key Points:
- The words of the Lord are paramount and surpass all other expressions.
- Believing and acting upon the word of God brings us closer to Him.
- Studying the words of the Lord increases our ability to be more like Him.
- How has studying the words of the Lord influenced your life?
- Can you recall a specific instance when the words of the Lord provided guidance or comfort?
- How has heeding the Lord's words helped you draw closer to Him?
Valuing the Words of Prophets
The words of prophets testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ, teach His gospel, and show His love for all. The words of the prophet matter to the Lord and to us. We need to diligently act upon our prophet’s words.
Second, the words of prophets matter.
Prophets testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ. They teach His gospel and show His love for all.
Words of the prophet matter to the Lord and to us.Key Points:
- The words of prophets testify of Jesus Christ and teach His gospel.
- The words of the prophet are important to both the Lord and us.
- We should diligently act upon the words of our prophet.
- How have the words of prophets influenced your understanding of the gospel?
- Can you recall a specific instance when the words of a prophet provided guidance or comfort?
- How have you acted upon the words of our current prophet?
Choosing Our Words Wisely
Our words can be supportive or angry, joyful or mean, compassionate or tossed aside. They can sting and sink painfully deep into the soul—and stay there. We should be careful what we say and how we say it. Simple phrases like "Thank you", "I am sorry", and "I love you" can lift and reassure each other.
Third, and so very important, are our own words. Believe me, in our emoji-filled world, our words matter.
Our words can be supportive or angry, joyful or mean, compassionate or tossed aside.
Let me suggest three simple phrases that we can use to take the sting out of difficulties and differences, lift, and reassure each other: "Thank you." "I am sorry." And "I love you."Key Points:
- Our words have the power to hurt or heal, to build up or tear down.
- We should be careful about what we say and how we say it.
- Simple phrases like "Thank you", "I am sorry", and "I love you" can have a powerful impact.
- Think of a time when you used words to heal a situation or relationship. What happened?
- Have you ever regretted not saying something you should have said? What was the outcome?
- How has saying "Thank you", "I am sorry", or "I love you" made a difference in your relationships?